2 “Inorganic And Hybrid Materials" - Polymat 2024

International Conference on Polymers and Advanced Materials
"Polymat 2024"
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2a. Functional Solid-State Inorganic Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and relationship between structure-property.

Call for Papers

Symposium 2:  Inorganic and Hybrid Materials.

Functional inorganic and hybrid materials are presented in a wide range of important technological applications such as superconductivity, battery materials, dielectrics, multiferroics, environmental, industrial as well as nonlinear optical materials. In many applications, new materials developments are essential to go beyond current capabilities and achieve enhanced structural performance, but also functionality.

The aim of this symposium is to provide a multidisciplinary and international forum for the discussion of recent advances on preparation, technological design, simulation, and applications of functional inorganic and hybrid materials as well as their impact on current and emerging technologies. The symposium covers the use, synthesis, and applications of inorganic and hybrid materials based on their outstanding mechanical, thermal and wear properties, as well as corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and energy storage and conversion, among others. The use of numerical simulation and analytical methods are also included in the symposium topics to enrich the understanding of structural materials and their link between structure and final properties.

Topics will include:

Based on the interdisciplinary nature of inorganic and hybrid materials, session topics will include (but not be limited to):
  • Synthesis and crystal structures of inorganic solids.
  • Structure-property relationships
  • Mechanical, thermal, corrosion resistance, wear, and biocompatibility properties
  • Inorganic solids-microstructure
  • Advanced characterization techniques in structural materials
  • Simulations of microstructure, properties, performance, and their relationship
  • Functional inorganic solids properties: SOFC’s, ionic conductors, magnetic materials, dielectrics, piezoelectrics, pyroelectrics, ferroelectrics, nonlinear optical materials, multiferroics, thermoelectrics.
  • New applications and advantages.

Symposium Organizer:

Armando Reyes

copyright@polymat 2024
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